“I love to help people see the world in new ways with humor and grace.”
You are motivated by the possibility of stirring curiosity, wonder, and a deeper sense of truth in your audiences.
The Storyteller Archetype has a gift for seeing the big picture and underlying patterns in complex situations. You have a strong imagination, and often see the world in different and unique ways. You are often deeply spiritual, attuned to your inner self and seek greater significance in life.
You have a strong sense of intuition and are good at tapping into your feelings and emotions to create a compelling story. This is often matched with the ability to figure out the most effective way to achieve your goals, and you can be very good at organizing and planning.
You are a compassionate and caring person who can get other people excited about what excites you.
• When I see new truths I want to share with others.
• I have something to say to the world and I need to get it out.
• Difficult situations in my life have helped me uncover helpful spiritual applications to face them.
• People have told me my work has helped them see things in a new light or led them to an "ah ha" moment.
• I mix easily with a wide variety of people without having to be one of them.
• I really enjoy relating stories and sharing my experiences.
• I find different ways to explain difficult concepts which people find helpful.
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As a Storyteller Archetype your challenges may include fighting distractions from working towards your vision (other responsibilities, blocks, life); learning to charge what you are worth, overcoming self-doubt and balancing career and personal goals.
Your limitless thoughts and ideas can sometimes overwhelm and confuse others. Consider refining your ideas and sharing only the best so others won’t reject them simply because they cannot follow your imaginative thinking. There may be times when you struggle to follow through on the ideas you generate. Think about collaborating with someone who can help you turn your best ideas into real results.
As with many of the artist Archetypes, Storytellers may feel isolated and pressured to squeeze into ill-fitting categories and struggle with overcoming self-doubt. You will need grounding in a supportive community and accountability to turn vision into actionable steps.
To feel fulfilled you may need to move beyond thinking about your art making as a “job” and search for how your work contributes to a greater good. This means claiming a wider context, naming your call, clarifying your audience, and taking concrete action.
You will need lots of support and encouragement as well as meaningful practices that will sustain you creatively and spiritually as well as alleviate anxiety on your quest. As you move along your path, it becomes important to let go of ideals of perfection and embrace the joy of the process. Also, it’s time to establish your own vision of “success” and “the good life” that is based on solid values so you can easily say “no” to distracting opportunities and “yes” to your inner calling.
• A rhythm of spiritual practice that you own and love will lead to an increased sense of wholeness.
• A strong peer support system.
• A commitment to developing proficiency in your artistic discipline so you can let go of ideals of perfection and embrace the joy of the process.
• Habits of self-reflection and conscientious self-knowledge.
• Clarity around your vision and motivations.
• The capacity to constructively engage the issues facing our world.
• Tools for courageous action.
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That’s where soul|makers can help!
No matter what your Artist Archetype, you need a community of support who “gets you,” a structure of spiritual practices to guide you as well as a place to share and develop your gifts.
Clarify Your Call
Let what you've discovered about your motivations with the Artist Archetypes carry you deeper to discover the core of your vocation as a creative. If art making is really a call, then who's doing the calling?
Receive our free 8-day video meditation to listen for God’s call in various and even surprising ways. What is God calling you to? -
Go Deeper with The Artist Archetypes
Listen and subscribe to the Be. Make. Do. Podcast to explore each of the Artist Archetypes: The Maker, The Mystic, The Imaginative Visionary, The Storyteller, The Soul Healer, and The Prophetic Critic. You'll hear from artists and creatives about how their unique motivations help them overcome challenges and find (sometimes) unconventional fulfillment in their careers.
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Created by Convergence and soul|makers, 2024
Note: This is a tool compiled from multiple sources, conversations, interviews and observations. This quiz is only meant for fun and as a discussion starter.
The Care of Souls, Casper ter Kuile, Angie Thurston, and Rev. Sue Phillips. Sacred Design Lab.
5 Fold Ministry -
The Vocation of the Artist, Deborah Haynes.
Artist Archetype quiz:
Clifton Strengths Finders: