“I’m a contemplative feeler – creating is where I make sense of the world.”


Your art is an expression of your internal journey, spiritual life, and reflections on the world. You are motivated by the sense of connection and groundedness you experience when you create.

The Mystic Artist Archetype has a profoundly spiritual nature. You yearn to connect to something bigger than yourself. You desire a sense of wholeness through connection with God. You are drawn to prayer, ritual, and creativity as a way to unify the different parts of yourself. 

The journey of this artist archetype is one of self-exploration - exploring the depths of one's own creativity and its profound power to transform everything in one's life. You desire to serve as a channel for God’s work in the world.

The Mystic Artist Archetype is a very sensory being – enjoying experiencing the world around them through sight, sound, touch, feel and taste. You tend to feel connected with creation, God and your spiritual side. You see beauty in the smallest things and enjoy abstract concepts and ideas.

    • Making art helps me enter into the presence of God and I enjoy spending time there.

    • Intentional spiritual practices are a natural part of my life. (In fact, art making is a spiritual practice for me.)

    • I usually prefer to work alone or in small groups where I feel I can better express myself.

    • I can sometimes have difficulty fitting into traditional work environments or social situations because I can be perceived as being too intense or too sensitive.

    • I attempt to show love and concern in all I do.

    • I have compassion for all living creatures

    • I have a readiness to believe and ask for God to work in miraculous ways.

  • The Mystic Archetype tends to have a strong spiritual life and established spiritual practices. You often act out of a sense of following the Spirit. Making art your “job” may become constrictive as following an inner leading takes a back seat to finding grants, working for others, and doing the “business of art.” You may thrive by developing alternative creative tactics and techniques to make money. This will allow your artistry and curiosity to take center focus in your creative endeavors.

    You may also struggle to categorize yourself as an artist or creative because your work takes on different forms depending on where you are feeling led. Imposter syndrome can creep in when you feel unqualified for the tasks to which you are called. This may make it difficult for you to charge appropriately for your services. Continue to value and develop proficiency in your craft as this aids in achieving goals and personal satisfaction. Don’t be afraid to seek out support systems and relationships that feed you and can help bolster your confidence and opportunities.

    It’s important to see the benefit of allowing others to help you grow in setting goals and keeping deadlines just as you encourage others to be more connected and present in the now. While you understand the value of a few close relationships, don’t be afraid to widen your circle, and get to know more people who may challenge you and help you in new ways.

    As with many of the artist Archetypes, Mystics may struggle to fight distractions that keep you from working towards your vision (other responsibilities, the need to make a living, blocks, life circumstances). You will need grounding in a supportive community and accountability to turn vision into actionable steps. 

  • • A rhythm of spiritual practice that you own and love will lead to an increased sense of wholeness.

    • A strong peer support system.

    • A commitment to developing proficiency in your artistic discipline so you can let go of ideals of perfection and embrace the joy of the process.

    • Habits of self-reflection and conscientious self-knowledge.

    • Clarity around your vision and motivations.

    • The capacity to constructively engage the issues facing our world.

    • Tools for courageous action.

No matter what your Artist Archetype, you need a community of support who “gets you,” a structure of spiritual practices to guide you as well as a place to share and develop your gifts.

That’s where soul|makers can help!

  • Clarify Your Call

    Let what you've discovered about your motivations with the Artist Archetypes carry you deeper to discover the core of your vocation as a creative. If art making is really a call, then who's doing the calling?
    Receive our free 8-day video meditation to listen for God’s call in various and even surprising ways. What is God calling you to?

  • Go Deeper with The Artist Archetypes

    Listen and subscribe to the Be. Make. Do. Podcast to explore each of the Artist Archetypes: The Maker, The Mystic, The Imaginative Visionary, The Storyteller, The Soul Healer, and The Prophetic Critic. You'll hear from artists and creatives about how their unique motivations help them overcome challenges and find (sometimes) unconventional fulfillment in their careers.

  • Join the Movement

    Connect with other makers and creatives on the soul|makers journey and begin building a wise-hearted practice. Sign up to receive bi-monthly emails with teaching, questions for consideration, and special opportunities. Plus, be the first to know about upcoming groups and classes.
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Created by Convergence and soul|makers, 2024

Note: This is a tool compiled from multiple sources, conversations, interviews and observations. This quiz is only meant for fun and as a discussion starter.