Blog Posts & Conversations

Wise-Hearted Ones: Ministry of Imagination
For so long art created by Christians has been limited to art for use in church. But have we as believers, especially in the West, undermined God’s true plan and responsibility for artists by keeping the scope of their creativity too narrow? In this final episode of Wise-Hearted Ones series, Lisa dives into what is the “ministry of imagination” and how we as artists can be encouraged that God has called us to shape culture and point the world back to Him, our creator and sustainer.

Wise-Hearted Ones: Idols and Altars
You might already be familiar with the Exodus story of the golden calf. Things have declined quickly since God’s commissioning of the Wise-Hearted ones. Though God has proven time and time again that He is faithful to meet the Israelites’ practical and spiritual needs in big ways, their fear gets the better of them.

Wise-Hearted Ones: 3 Frameworks to Survive and Thrive As An Artist
Throughout the Wise-Hearted Ones, we’ve seen how God holistically provides His people with everything they need to serve in the areas He calls them to. God’s gifts of creative and spiritual knowledge and skill provided Bezalel with the practical means to live out his calling.

Wise-Hearted Ones: Shedding the False Dichotomy with Marlita Hill
In this podcast episode, host Lisa Smith and guest Marlita Hill dive deeper into what it means to be wise-hearted, how to wait on God’s timing, and why it doesn’t really matter whether you bloom late or bloom early.

Wise-Hearted Ones: An Artist Ordained
Continuing the Wise-Hearted Ones series, Lisa Smith dives into the artistic giftings God gave to master artisans when he ordained them to create the Tabernacle. Take time to consider this self-sacrificial call, filled with joy, freedom, and efficacy, and ponder what that means for us as we seek to bring to life the gifts the Spirit of God has filled us with.

Wise-Hearted Ones: Called By Name. Called By Heart. with Lisa Smith
In the last episode, we explored the unique role of artists in the biblical context — particularly as highlighted in the story of the Tabernacle project in Exodus. In this blog post, we'll explore the episode highlights from Called By Name. Called By Heart., focusing on the role of artists as leaders in shaping culture and spiritual experiences. God's choice in Exodus demonstrates a profound truth: He often calls upon the most unlikely to fulfill his purposes.

SPECIAL: Gathering & Community for Artists with Stephen Roach
Discover the power of community, healing, and hope in art and a post-COVID world with our special guest: Stephen Roach.

Wise-Hearted Ones: Building A Purposeful World Through Art with Elise Edwards
Discover how art and design shape culture and spirituality with Elise Edwards. Explore the importance of creativity in God's plan and our lives.

Wise-Hearted Ones: Why Your Art Matters with Deborah Sokolove
In a deeply engaging conversation with Deborah Sokolove, we explore art in the context of faith, personal development, and the Christian community.

Wise-Hearted Ones: A Story in a Story with Jennifer Allen Craft
We breakdown the significance of art in your spiritual journey, as revealed through the story hidden in Exodus, with the help of Jennifer Allen Craft.
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